You’ve got hours sitting in a rocking chair with a new baby on the horizon- and those glute muscles will constantly be stretched! So you need to strengthen those muscles BEFORE baby arrives. It’s also incredibly difficult to get up out of a rocking chair with no hands while holding a sleeping baby- it requires strong thighs and core!
Benefits of lower body stretch during pregnancy
Working your lower body during pregnancy is important for so many reasons. For starters, it helps to support your spine and your pelvis as your belly’s size and your body weight both quickly increase! A strong lower body can also help with back pain you might be experiencing. Strengthening your lower body is also important because it helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which are the muscles you use during labor to push, and it can also help you recover faster after delivery.
Lower Body Exercises
Try this lower body strengthening and toning routine 2-3 times a week to strengthen your pelvic floor, tighten and lift the booty, and to prepare you for pushing during labor. Repeat the cycle 3-4 times.
Toe raises x 20
Plie squats x 20
360° lunges x 5
Deadlifts x 10
Squats x 20
Alternating forward lunges x 15
Need some help decoding all those exercise names? We’ve got ya covered, here and here!