New Mom Guide: How to Survive the First Few Months - Mumberry

How to Survive the First Few Months after having a baby

Stepping through the door of your home with your new baby for the very first time tends to be a very emotional moment. Your life as a mom has begun, which means your life as you knew it before your little one was born will never be the same. Most likely you are thinking about all the incredible moments life will hold, all those specials “firsts” you will experience with your little one, and just how much joy and laughter they will bring into the house.

While all of that can be, and is indeed true, motherhood isn’t always a walk in the park, shall we say. Those first few months especially can be extremely tough on a first-time mom who has never been through the experience and has no idea what she is about to embark on. Sleepless nights, stress, and worry can all play heavily into the mix as you try to find your footing and be the very best mom possible.

So how exactly do moms do it? Here we’ll take a look at some tips that will help you survive the first few months of motherhood.

super woman

Don’t Try to Be Super Woman

Many moms decide that they suddenly need to be Super Woman. This means giving their all to the new little one, their significant other, having time to do all the house chores, the cooking, and any errands that need to be done. This is a pretty lofty and unrealistic goal.

Being able to get all of that accomplished, all while staying sane and keeping a smile on your face just isn’t going to be possible. What this means is that you need to go easy on yourself and not expect perfection at all times. Instead, ask for help, and rely on your support team around you.

Sleep Is Incredibly Important Not Just for the Baby, but for You

One of the toughest parts of being a new mom is the sheer lack of sleep that they tend to go through. Caring for your baby isn’t just a daytime job, rather it is round the clock, which means all hours of the evening are included. Sleep can become nothing but a distant memory, leaving you running on fumes.

A great tip is to start making a habit to sleep whenever your baby does. In the overnight hours, you will need to sleep in between feedings, and during the daytime be sure to take naps when they do. All those chores and errands can wait - they will still be there when you wake up.

Do Something for Yourself

As a new mom, you are probably putting all your energy and focus into your baby, but try not to forget about your own needs too. Chat with your significant other and ensure that you get a little quiet time for yourself each day, or at least on a regular basis. That time could be spent relaxing in a bath, having a nap uninterrupted, doing a Yoga session, or even watching a favorite TV show. These are the things that will help keep you sane!

Go Ahead and Embrace Coffee

You had to quit drinking coffee during pregnancy.  As a result, the first few months after birth can often feel like a haze. You are trying in vain to not only catch up on sleep or get anywhere near enough.  It could be a great time to embrace coffee and start treating yourself to the “good stuff”.

The Nespresso machine is particularly popular for those needing a jolt of caffeine, as it is known for, as you can opt for a standard fresh brewed coffee or an espresso. For quick, easy, and fairly priced Nespresso-compatible pods be sure to check out Gourmesso. You'll find all blends flavors and even pre-packaged bundles.


Each of these tips will help you to survive those very tough first few months. Good luck mama!



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