It’s no secret that getting pregnant earlier in life (in your twenties to early thirties) reduces your chances of pregnancy complications. However, due to stress and modern lifestyle, most women are giving birth later in their life. While every pregnancy comes with the risk of complications, it’s important to be aware of the increased risks involved with pregnancy at an advanced maternal age. The purpose of this post is NOT to scare you, but to educate you and arm you with a few tools to feel confident and calm as you carry your child at an older age.
Here are a few facts about carrying a baby after the age of 35.
- Risks to your baby
After the age of 35, giving birth may be risky not only for you but also for your baby. The eggs that the ovaries produce are older and are more prone to genetic mutations. That can lead to birth defects and other developmental problems. Your baby may be born with abnormalities or birth-related defects. Risk of delivering a baby with Down syndrome is also a cause of concern after the age of thirty-five. While no pregnancy is risk-free, the odds of a complication are greater at an advanced maternal age. Be sure to take care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle prior to conceiving if you plan to wait until later in life to get pregnant.
- Health complications
There may also be health complications for you after the age of thirty-five if you get pregnant. Women who conceive later in life are generally more likely to have high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Other complications that are common in pregnancies of advanced maternal age are premature birth and miscarriage. You can still give birth to a healthy baby without any complications after the age of thirty-five if you stay healthy and fit. In fact, there are women who also conceive after the age of forty and have normal deliveries, but the risks are greater and it’s imperative to take greater precautions like eating a healthy, balanced diet, hydrating properly, practicing stress management, and exercising regularly.
- Great career and finances
On a positive note, getting pregnant at a later age can help you deal with your career and your finances in a better way. By this age, you are more likely to have a more advanced career and financial stability. So, getting pregnant after 35 or 40 can help alleviate the financial burden that comes with pregnancy and childbirth and take off some of the pressures associated with being pregnant at the start of your career.
- Good emotional support
Pregnancy is a wonderful phase and you need that good emotional support from your partner during this time. A perk of getting pregnant after thirty-five with a long term partner is the emotional support you receive. You will most likely be well settled in your relationship and more emotionally connected to your partner. With a good emotional support, your chances of a healthy pregnancy will be higher. You will be in a happy space and that may well affect your pregnancy. This can help reduce your chance of complication.
- Skin health
Pregnancy at an older age might affect your body and health, but it can also affect your skin, causing wrinkles and other irritations. If you care about the state of your skin, it’s important to practice a skin care regimen that can help prevent these annoyances. The revitol anti aging solution cream can help to prevent wrinkles and keep your skin brighter during pregnancy.
Author Bio: Hi! I am Tressie Dawson, a skin care expert and a blogger. Born in a family of dermatologists, my life revolves around things that are healthy and natural to keep the sanctity of our skin alive. I use my passion for writing to share my observation and experience with various skin products to make lives of my readers better.